by Techuva Solutions Pvt Ltd



An “Absolute alternative” is comprehensively introduced by Hare Krishna Movement to the society in general which is based on the ancient Vedicwisdom following Bhagavad-Gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. By acclimatizing this absolute method of the spirituality one can transcend the dualism oflife which will appear in the various forms like happiness and distress, loss and gain, defeat and victory, promotion and demotion etc.The “absolute alternative of life” inculcate the clear wisdom of Bhagavad-Gita so that one can gain a detailed understanding of their ownexistence, or the existence of Almighty Lord, knowledge about the inner and external worlds and beyond. From adopting this absolute way of lifeas provided by the well appreciated Bhagavad-Gita, one can sort out all their problems of life most optimally without getting confused about anyother sub-optimal and symptomatic methods of cure like meditation, yoga, Kriya, silence, Dhyana, focus on breathing, painstaking rituals etc.Hare Krishna Movement Hyderabad If you are willing to gain a complete picture of all that exists, then you want to know how to leadhow to understand the position of various religions, a meaningful life, methods, personality courses, swamis, yogis, gurus, processes, systems,rituals, worship, mantras etc., then you are in the right place. We welcome you to the most sublime movement of the present time which wasstarted by Lord Sri Krishna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra by expounding the masterpiece of wisdom Bhagavad-Gita.To explain how to adopt this science of absolute spiritual values of conceding to Almighty Godhead Sri Krishna was practicallydemonstrated by Lord Himself in His form as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu over 500 years ago through the inauguration of Sankirtana movement ofspreading the chanting of Holy Names of Lord as it is the ONLY means of getting perfection in this age.